Welcome to the North Downs Korfball Club website.

Results page and Hotshots have been updated for 26th November

Match Reports


If any budding sports journalists out there would like to send in match reports for any of the games, please e-mail them so they can appear on the site.  



The 'Red Arrows' have made a fantastic start to the season.  See the league tables for the results so far...    

Christmas Dinner and Dance


More Photos


League Tables

The Christmas Dinner and Dance will take place at Bletchingly Golf Club. Please confirm with Rachel (with cheque) as places are limited.   Click here to see photos of the games against Mitcham 3 and Supernova 2.  
Please allow blocked content
to see the league tables

More Links

Newsletter   Christmas Dinner  
Club roles Pantomime
Links Christmas Walk
Refereeing Wine Tasting
Match report form  

If you are an experienced player and fancy coming to play for the club or you're a beginner who would like to simply try out korfball,
then come along to one of our weekly training sessions.

Please click here if you have any feedback on the website